Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Transformers Worth Seeing?

Went and saw the movie Transformers last week. If you like action by huge space robots, it had that in spades. If you like being lectured on humanity by giant space robot leader, unfortunately it had that too. If you want great acting, well it didn't have that. If you want a hot looking female love interest, well it had that. If you are a blogging geek whose worried why Bumblebee was not a VW, well they explained that. If you're a blogging geek who wanted an explaination of why Megatron did not transform into a huge canon, well they never explained that. If you're willing to suspend reality for a while, i recomend it. About the only thing missing was an appearance by The Metatron. You work that one out.

Overall worth seeing, even though you probably will gripe a while.

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