Thursday, July 19, 2007

Global Warming now world's most boring topic: report

It's in a survey (so it must be true), commissioned by a think tank (so it must be true), and is in The Age Newspaper (so it must be true), don't know about you folks, but I'm sold.

Via Tim Blair, originally on web page, here

Global warming and the debate over whether man-made carbon gas emissions are having a detrimental influence on climate change has been ranked as the most boring topic of conversation on earth, according to a new report.

The issue of global warming far out-performed other contenders for the title, such as the production of goat cheese, the musical genius of the artist formerly known as P Diddy and media speculation over the likely outcome of the upcoming federal election.

Other key findings of the survey were:

* 89 per cent wanted to know how it was possible for humans to control the climate, given that they have enough trouble forecasting it;

* 96 per cent believe those who use the term "climate change denial" are attempting to equate it with "Holocaust denial";

* 100 per cent of these respondents also believe such people should receive lengthy prison terms for crimes against the English language;

* 79 per cent of the bands that took part in the Live Earth event did so because they feared the planet would be destroyed by global warming before they had a chance to receive free worldwide television exposure;

* 87 per cent only tuned in to watch the lead singer from Sneaky Sound System, who is hot;

* 92 per cent of those same people watched her on mute because they didn't want to hear that song again;

I think the most important factor to remember here is that the girl, Connie from Sneaky Sound System is definitely hot. This is the way it has to be, the wise man wisely said, and since we know she is hot, the rest of the survey must be true.

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