Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Haneef Police Interview Transcript

Not sure when we started doing it, but the Haneef Police interview Transcript is available for downloading from The Age Newspaper. I am up to page ten of about 142, and I can tell you it is scintillating reading. Right now we have ascertained that:

  1. He had the right to remain silent.
  2. He had the right to an attorney (Waived).
  3. He had the right to call his consulate (he did).
  4. He is from India.
  5. Has a nickname.
  6. He was provided a bed to sleep at 2:53 am as he was tired whilst enquiries continued.
  7. We Aussies have difficulty with Indian names.
  8. Whichever Idiot put this document on the Internet included Dr Haneef's Mobile number, which i shall not repeat.

Don't know about you, but I'm on the edge of my seat. For those who require instant gratification from the swift arm of the law, I can confirm this, up til page ten, I have no idea whether he is guilty, but fear not, "enquiries are continuing". Anyway back to page 11, where where are confirming for the umpteenth time, and Dr Haneef is agreeing for the umpteenth time that he realises that he is eligible for legal representation.


Update: Just contacted the age, they are going to look at the issue of mobile numbers and e-mail addresses being made available on their web page. As any good superhero would say, looks like my work here is done, and perhaps i have left the world a better place to live in.


Update II: Haneef needs a new lawyer. His current one just admitted leaking the police transcripts of his interview to the media, which i have no problem with, but i would have thought he would removed personal details like mobile telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and home addresses.

The ability of apparently intelligent people to do stoopid things never ceases to amaze me.


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