Thursday, July 12, 2007

Howard Gun Threat


A MAN armed with a gun has been detained in Tasmania after he attempted to buy an airline ticket, saying he needed to visit Prime Minister John Howard.

The incident this morning came as Mr Howard toured northern Tasmania campaigning.
It is understood the man walked into Launceston Airport this morning and demanded a ticket to Sydney, saying he needed to visit Mr Howard.
Thank god our fearless leader is safe, although it is entirely possible that the gun toting traveller just wanted a chat, and brought the gun purely to ensure he had the PMs attention. Anyone with a gun, in my general vicinity, whether talking to me or not generally has my fullest attention. Except for the police, I generally try to ignore them, cause I have found that dreadlocks tend to make you look suspicious in generally non-specific sort of way that gets the cops going "Wots this then" a lot.

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