Monday, October 22, 2007

Great Debate

Looks like Labor won the great debate, at least that is what the consensus says. And I'm all for consensus', they are after all never wrong, just take global warming. Didn't bother watching the debate, I figured I would spend time with the lovely lass, doing things that are definitely unmentionable in this forum, and the worm could decide for me. Thank god for the worm, imagine if I'd actually had to think. Although I am a bit confused, cause the worm said Rudd, but the Automatic Vote-A-Matic says that I am a Liberal, with a hint of democrat. What to do?

Went to, and as you can imagine, they are just giddy, even defining worm in Rudd's honour;

Worm stands for... written by Henry, October 22, 2007

W-orld O-f R-udd's M-uscle or W-elcoming O-ur R-udd M-use or W-ords O-f R-udd's M-ission

Worm stands for... written by Henry, October 22, 2007
W-eapon O-f R-udd's M-astery

I like the first definition, if it were true that is, we need more leaders with muscle, where have all the muscle bound leaders gone? Genghis Khan probably never had a tax policy! When the leadership death matches are on, muscles will count. We need more leaders in the Schwarts-an-ham-an-egg-an-burger mould. You can't lie about muscle whereas you can gloss over any bad points of your tax policy.

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