Apparently this is meant to be a fallow year for all Jewish personages. Every seven years, under Judaism the land is to lie fallow, to give it a breather, to allow it to recover. No crops are to be planted, and if you own orchards, you have to let the fruit fall naturally before you attempt eat it.
Makes you wonder how Jewish people survived. Well, wonder no more, it all comes down to who owns the land. This whole fallow thing applies only to Jews, obviously, so you can feel free to eat whatever has been planted, grown and harvested on the land of non-believer. Hey, and if you're a Jewish landowner, whose income and livelihood is threatened by year of fallowness, whilst the non-believing schmuck next door reaps what he sows, well there is a solution. Just sell your land to the non-believer for one dollar for one year, and for that year you can reap what he sows on your behalf. Thank god for non-believers.
I personally don't believe in any gods, but i like to think that if i did, he would be smart enough to see through this little bit of religio-political deception. Dunno I like my omnipotent, omni-cognisant gods to actually know whats going on.
Heard the one about usury, well apparently under Islam, usury is bad, can't go borrowing or lending money, which kind of makes certain things like buying a house or car difficult, you know without the ability to get a loan. Fear not, Islamic banks get around this by buying the car/house for you, renting it back to you for say 30 years (in the case of a house), and then at the end of that time they give you the house. Dunno about you but it sounds like a loan by any other name.
Sometimes i think we show an incredible lack of respect for the intelligence of our gods.
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