Interesting article on on why Australians should love America. Oh-Kay. Not sure about you, but when someone tries to give me reasons why i should love, let alone like someone i get suspicious. It's like your mum telling you that little Joey in primary school is so nice, why won't you play with him.
Not me, i choose to hate everyone equally, well every country that is. Don't have time to break them down into manageable country sized chunks. No Siree, whatever country you're from, I hate it about as much as i hate any other country, which is marginally less than i hate Australia, where I live, which i love. Don't that make you feel special.
Of course every now and then some despotic dictator will do something completely insane, after which i might feel inclined to give you a little more attention in the hate department. The country that is, not the people, since people are generally a lot more intelligent than your average mob, and most countries are just above average mobs.
Of course every now and then some despotic dictator will do something completely insane, after which i might feel inclined to give you a little more attention in the hate department. The country that is, not the people, since people are generally a lot more intelligent than your average mob, and most countries are just above average mobs.
So anyway, why exactly are we exhorted to love America? Well apparently there are block parties (nice), ethinic diversity (nice):
Hipsters and the homeless, crackheads and old Jewish eccentrics mingle on every corner.
Uhh, oklay, enough of the positives, what about the negatives.
Well the article doesn't really go into those, we are after all being exhorted to love thy American. Fair enough. As long as they are prevented from travelling in Mobs, that being more than 3 in any group, i like to keep the intelligence levels up.
P.S. I'm confused, were old Jewish eccentrics meant to be a positive or a negative, in my view hipsters are the scourge of mankind, crackheads are self explanatory, homeless are well victims of circumstance and definitely not a shining light representing a city. So what does that mean about old Jewish Eccentrics, since they apparently keep such esteemed company. Well we all know eccentric means money, so as far as i am concerned, they're Aight!
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