It's election time again, and once again, we have Hanson to provide the comic relief. I can't wait, apparently she plans to run on a similar platform to the last few elections, except this time "Islamic People" are the devil.
The former One Nation leader has also applied to the Australian Electoral Commission to register Pauline's United Australia Party. If successful, the party's abbreviated name, Pauline, will appear above the line on the Senate ballot paper, making it easier for people to vote for Ms Hanson
The other benefit is that those who don't want to vote for here will know exactly which party she represents and which politician's are brave enough to be associated with her.
Anyway, wonder if she will re-hash any of her old policies, I especially liked the one about printing more money. I can always use more money. And whilst printing money to get a nation out if it's financial woes was derided the last time it was on her policy agenda, this time she is in good company, the "Right Honourable Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe"
Mugabe said his government would print money to help it ride over its economic problems - including food, fuel and foreign currency shortages and the world's highest inflation rate, which he blames on Western sanctions and intermittent droughts.
The only issue is whether she is willing to be in the esteemed political company of a brown person, and take a few of his other policies, like accusing the British of trying to re-colonise Australia.
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