I no longer trust my government, after all the lies over Iraq War and the unanswered questions over the London bombings.
Sadly, I no longer believe a word my government says!
I am white, middle class. I am not radical, but I no longer trust my government, after all the lies over the illegal invasion of Iraq, after the unanswered questions over the London bombings, and in the U.S. over 9/11.
Sadly, I no longer believe a word my government says!
I am white, middle class. I am not radical, but I no longer trust my government, after all the lies over the illegal invasion of Iraq, after the unanswered questions over the London bombings, and in the U.S. over 9/11.
I on the other hand, am not white or radical (used to Rad though, does that count), but i guess i am middle class, but i still know enough not to simply believe my government. In spite of the apparent 2 out of three required to be credible, I do know not to believe everything any government says. Question everything, and then look for the answers, that's my motto.
I am not alone in this feeling of distress at no longer being able to believe what they tell us, and I am also beginning to doubt information being given by the BBC, which up until now has been a bastion of real journalism and balance. Our country is being taken over by corporations and our democracy is disappearing! We claim to be exporting democracy around the world, but we are loosing it in our own country!
i always think you should loose democracy into your own backyard before you export, at least then we can be sure it's Export quality. Disappearing democracy is a problem though, I better watch that Aussie election this year. We don't even have a president, we have a Prime Minister, can you imagine not voting for your own President. Probably, i guess since we share the same Queen. And you should hear her when she has one of her annus horibilis', last time i let her say grace. In fact i might not bother enrolling. While i do support democracy, i am a bit doubtful about whether it can be exported, but i salute you for loosing it in your backyard.
We are heading towards a 'big brother' state, and we are being led there through fear and lies.
We are heading towards a 'big brother' state, and we are being led there through fear and lies.

Have no fear, this is a job for "Undercover Brother" if we're gonna have a big brother state, it might as well be an "undercover big brother state" In my next life i think I'll come back white, so i can understand what's going on here.
Howard from United Kingdom
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